Review by Wither

Bodies 2023

Bodies not only promises but delivers. Since i watched the trailer, I was certain it was going to be of my liking. The music alone gave 'Dark' vibes which led me running to search if they were the same directors. And from this point on in my review, it will be hard not to compare it to Dark, since Bodies is so heavily influenced by it. The story is nicely done and paced fast enough to not let you loose interest. The premise is intersting and, at least, original enough. The 4 stories correlate and entwinned in a satisfactory way; and ends in a tidy last act, which leaves room open for a new installment; but leaves almost nothing unanswered from this season (which, in my opinion and with so many sudden cancellations, like with 1899, is the way to go unless you are absolutely certain that you will fullfill the whole story). The acting is decent enough; same as the photography (which a couple of times was absolutely stunning). If you liked Dark, i guess you are going to like this one: is HEAVILY influenced by it, with even direct easter eggs to it ( a person being his own predecessor, a kid in a yellow raincoat, among others). And since it is so similar, one cannot help to compare to it and is really not a match: The story in Dark is beyond amazing, well thought, with an acting that gets you so invested, and with so many loops and hoops across 3 seasons, that is hard to keep track of everything. Here, even tho that the main story has its fair share of it, in comparisson feels flat and almost dull once you get the actual twist of it. Also, i think the series would have benefitted with 2 less episodes. There was a lot of filler across the season; so less episodes could have made it more dense and hence, better packed. Think of it as the younger brother of Dark: not at all at his level, but with a premise that will get you hooked. You will find the usual nonsense common in Netflix shows, but as it is not the main point of the plot, is easly forgiven. And still, waaaaay better that much of the shit I have been watching lately across series AND movies. It's a strong 8 for me.

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