Review by Guilherme Tavares

Aliens 1986

Good movie.:blush:
I don´t really understand this comparison with Alien (1976) that i see in the comments. Maybe is trying to pull off something?

The films are completely different, made at different times with different directors. For better or for worse, the 1976 film Alien has become a symbol and icon of cinema and horror films and without it it would not exist. After all, it is a sequel.

That said, the film is very well made. The film's standard of excellence is visible and even controversial. Since, there are making offs reporting the director's perfectionism that saw fights during the studio. The decision to make the alien movie an action movie was very smart - I'm not questioning taste or opinion. My interest is in the director's perception of changing the film's script into something more. I believe this creative decision was very good as it does not compete with another film and moves to a safer space for the director (see for example Terminator).
In this sense, all the aesthetic decisions come to create a different type of tension, it's not the same suspense as the previous one, but it works. And the film has several examples, whether it's the supporting characters dying all the time or even the sound that contributes to everything.

Anyway, the film is an action lesson. Although it will never be the same as the first film, it is worth seeing and respecting.
I recommend everyone watch it.

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