Shout by Guilherme Tavares

PLUTO 2023

It's definitely not Urasawa's best work.

The original material is very weak and the adaptation is also weak. Astro Boy's story of peace is far from bringing peace or resolution to the problems of World War II. And placing Japan as a victim or protagonist is problematic to say the least.

The story does manage to bring suspense and intimacy to the problems of war based on the needs of family. It's a smart and challenging choice. As it encourages people to watch, it also creates a dramatic charge. However, I couldn't identify with the characters except for the detective (who was probably Urasawa's initial character).
It seems to me that there was a business intention here between the Tezuka association and the Urasawa publishers. I speculate that Urasawa already had a science fiction story and that it was sold to the association.

Anyway, the production manages to maintain a high level of quality except for the 3D. The soundtrack is good and the voice actors are exceptional. In my opinion, the weakest points are in the story and mainly in the direction that fails to improve the narrative and makes it more rigid.

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