Shout by Alice Hawke

Jack Reacher 2012

So, spoilers ahead. I don't want to be the guy who ruins the film for you, so please, unless you've seen the film, do not read on, fair warning given.

There were two key paths I feel weren't explored far enough, despite the film being pretty lengthy (without a dull moment, may I add).
Point 1) Sort of two parts, but still one point. I don't think they pursued the thought-provoking aspect of the victims lives as much as they could've done. That scene with Pike in the house of the father of one of the victims was so very touching and emotional - yet that was the last we saw of the aspect. The character of Reacher demanded that if he was to view Barr objectively, she, as Barr's defence, should get to know the lives of the victims. Which brings me onto the second part of this point - the victim on the bench and the victim with the watch, purportedly having an affair. Was this just a way into the characters thinking the victims weren't random and thus reaching the realization of Oline's position? I know the affair was irrelevant, but we have a glimpse into their lives, a glimpse into the nanny's life,... for what, the emotional path that wasn't gone down? I don't think that aspect was developed enough.

Point number 2) Much briefer this one, but what was the motive of the Detective Emerson character to be under the control of The Zec? It seemed that he was working for him because he hadn't got a choice - what was The Zec holding over him, controlling him with?? Did they avoid that expansion so that we wouldn't feel sorry for Emerson when Reacher shoots him? If so, why present us with the limp plot point of Emerson being forced to obey as his reason for betraying the badge? Yes, give us a motive so it's believable, but to actually try to develop it.

Anyway, just my thoughts.

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