Review by FLY

It is at the same time too long and slow (first half) and too short and rushed (second half) to correctly exploit all the good ideas it tries to use.

The initial setup, with Las Vegas being an abandoned zombie zone, is good. An original take on zombie movies, where the threat is basically in the past and has been restrained.

Zombies. But also super zombies. That actually seem to have intelligence and emotions.

Mix that with a big robbery. An almost mythical safe to open. Hidden objectives. Betrayal.

Time limit with an atomic bomb.

Mandatory love/family drama. The daughter trying humanitarian rescue in the middle.

That really is a lot to pack in, and it's a bit of a mess:

  • The artificial urgency of advancing the bomb was totally useless since it coincides with the super zombies attack.
  • The zombies, where they come from, what they can do, what we can almost call their civilization, totally under exploited.
  • I hoped the opening of the safe would be more interesting too, but ultimately there is nothing there.

  • Kate being a pain in the ass to rescue some people that magically are still alive, that she can magically find without any trouble while magically traversing the whole city alone safely about as fast as the helicopter given the time she had.

There are some gory moments, lots of splashing of internal organs flying around. Maria's death is a very good scene. And Martin's very satisfying, almost fan service to end the bad guy this way.

The no one survives except the useless daughter ending is a bit cliché, there could have been more interesting things to do.

The constant bad one liners of the pilot totally didn't work for me, it was pretty annoying.

In the end it's a good action flick despite its slow start. But it really had the potential to become a classic if better exploited.

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