Review by Vassilis

Bodies 2023

Wow! Totally surprised by it.
They have studied "Dark" really good, the show was truly fantastic. An exception story crafted throught out all the periodes, a very tight script, really they managed to close and give answers to almost everything. This for a Netflix show is a must see for all the timer-traveller fans.
It also managed to do a proper "destroy the loop" and what happens to the characters as perfect as Dark Did. Charles was my favorite, the little girl those only 10 minutes of appearance stole the spotlight. The music was great and the direction was also good.

Of course lets all pray that Netflix will not salvage on the show and realize that this was a mini-series and not give a second season.

So yes about the last 2 minutes, you can skip them so it will not ruin you the story. There are only there in case of netflix's greedy,read it below:

From an article:
It’s a door left open, according to Bodies showrunner Paul Tomalin, simply there to give the story somewhere to go in a potential second series. Should Netflix decide to renew Bodies, then that mini-cliffhanger would be the first step on that journey. in short – they’d finished the story but wanted to justify a potential return if Netflix commissioned one, so it was tacked on

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@great_vc It's odd you left full spoilers about Dark and the loop but hid the vague statement about the cliffhanger

@tedford no it is not, do people still hide that Vader is his father or Willis is dead?
