Review by Tshepiso
BlockedParent2023-10-10T22:14:37Z— updated 2023-10-12T11:49:09Z

I was right, I did enjoy The Age of Steel significantly more than The Rise of the Cybermen. On the Cybermen front this episode had a lot more opportunity to show them as uniquely creepy and ominous in a way that stood out. I loved especially seeing them in shadows in the cramped caverns of the Battersea factory. While I don't think they'll ever be a standout Doctor Who villain for me I do have to give this episode some props for capturing thim in an interesting way here.

This is also easily Mickey's best episode. For one he's given something interesting to do, taking down of the transmission and disabling emotion blocker on the Cybermen. He even has characters with a unique relationship specifically to him to bounce off with in both Rickey and Jake. And while this may sound callous I'm really glad to see him leave. Yes in part because I found him a dull character but also because it's the only path for him that makes sense given how terribly he's treated by Rose and Ten. Honestly the only thing that makes his exit kinda unsatisfying is how much room Rose's given to be sad about it. She's the person who has constantly treated as second best, the one who left him behind without thought. So for him to be comforting her as he asserts himself and carves out his own life separate from waiting for her stings a tad bit. But I'm glad he did it.

It honestly amazes me that Mickey and Martha were back to back the first black companions and they were both similarly treated so poorly by their respective love interest. If it was just one I'd chalk it up to coincidence but both of them. This is how you know there weren't any black writers or producers on this show.

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