Another very emotional episode, with lots of bad things happening to the positive characters. On a lighter note, Hober and Constant are still alive, albeit in the imperial hands, and Salvor manages to save Gaal from the creepy ceremony, and they both escape to the Beggar, where the evil woman awaits them already, there is lot of fighting and finally Hari appears and kills Tellem, saving the girls. He looks very much alive and not a hologram.

I liked the backstory of Demerzel and of the first Cleon finding her when he was a boy, still disassembled. He gives her a sort of freedom (she is responsible for bringing up the Cleon clones so in this way shaping the future of the Empire), but at the same time programmes her to always serve him and be loyal to him (hence the clones who have the same DNA as the original Cleon to whom she was slaved by the programming), and it is not a real freedom as she said. But when Hari Seldon invites Day and Demerzel to his Vault, maybe he changes something in her programming since she abandons him and chooses to return to Trantor instead of accompanying him, so maybe Hari did something to override this programming and Demerzel would now be truly free?

The episode follows Day to Terminus, so there is nothing about Sareth, who is quite and interesting character so I missed her a bit in the ep. Day becomes more and more violent during this trip to Terminus and finally gives the order to destroy the whole planet and so kill all the people on it. The cosmic battle before that and the explosion itself are quite spectacular visually. I don't support LGBT agenda, but it was a bit sad when Bel had to follow the order which he knew would result in the death of the man he loved. Though I hoped that he would not go through with the order because it seemed to me he was only serving the Empire so that his partner was safe? and now that Bel couldn't save him, he would have no incentive in following the Empire anymore? I hoped he would rebel and work with Hober and Constant against the Empire though I guess it was a bit naive on my part.

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