I have very mixed feelings about this episode, the first part of it was a total flop, it as if it was some blue movie instead of a solid science-fiction, things got interesting when the storyline turned to Gaal, Salvor and Hari, and the part of the Empire subplot about the memory banks was also quite intriguing. It turns out it is possible to alter someone's memory so that they won't even know something's been changed, but apparently it is also possible to retrieve the memory from the Memorium. Day's been changing his brothers memories without their knowledge, but when they contact the original Cleon for help (a new element - they can "wake up" the original Cleon and ask him some questions), but he is not very supportive of Dawn and Dusk. As for Gaal, Salvor and Hari, their subplot is also fun to watch, as they are kidnapped by some people, one of whom impersonates Salvor's boyfriend Hugo. I must confess that at first I believed him just as Salvor did, his story about going into cryo just as Salvor did seemed plausible, and it would be nice to have the reunion of lovers. After they regain consciousness, it turns out that they are in some haven for people with telepathic abilities, and it seems like they finally found their own people among whom they would be understood as accepted; except at the end the leader of the telepaths claims she intends to prevent the Second Foundation from ever happening. So they are enemies after all?

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