Shout by LNero

Say Your Prayers 2021

A perfect balancing act of nuanced, meaningful social critique with effortlessly humanized main characters, all topped off with a farcical take on human behavior that makes it all go down as light as a soft drink. The police duo of the crude, misanthropic Brough with the congenial and passive Hodge was genius writing and casting.

I also hadn't ever heard British folk music that caught my ear before now, but some of them were inspired choices, even upon my first time ever hearing them. It really added a unique character and dramatic impact to the key moments. The split-second flashback editing is also some of the best (most effective, whether to show inner turmoil, or for dark comedic effect) I've seen.

England sure is depressingly ugly, though. Maybe that's why they're known for being so ascerbic. On that note, though he had some legitimate points, Hitchens really was a nasty, self-aggrandizing peice of work, with the whole support for American invasions and neoliberalist policy in general. Likewise, any catholic authority, given the tacit support for, well, Catholicism, and all of its official and unofficial policies.

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