It felt a bit strange to start watching the show again after a break, I missed the characters though the episode itself was a bit disappointing. Apparently Gaal imprisoned Hari in the Prime Radiant, thanks to what we get some glances into his past. Salvor tells Gaal she's her daughter but obviously their relationship may be more of friends than mother and daughter, as they try to find connection but it is not easy for either of them. The scene in which they have to dive to recover Salvor's ship and are risking the lives was quite emotional, it was the first episode so perhaps one of them at least was supposed to survive but you may never know. They only have themselves now since everyone they knew and loved is long dead as they spent over a century in cryo-sleep, in the meantime the situation in the world has gone south and it looks like the future of mankind will turn out much worse than predicted by Hari (who escapes from the Prime Radiant at the end of the episode, obviously furious at Gaal).

The situation in the Empire is strange since Day apparently wants to get married, a plan not accepted by his bros, but at the same time he is sleeping with Demerzel, so it is quite complicated. The marriage plot wasn't mentioned in the previous season so it is not clear how it actually arose. I wonder whether he destroyed the original copy of the first Cleon as he was shown trying to break through the protective glass in the previous season. Maybe there will be no more Cleons and that's why he needs to marry? The Empire discovers that the Foundation survived after all and that the flare was just a fluke, but decide (on Demerzel's advice) not to show the Foundation that they know as yet.

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