Britta: We're happy to do this for you, Annie, but I have to say, my school had plenty of shows like this, and I think sitting through dthem drove me to drugs.

LMAO, so damn true. D.A.R.E. not only bored us to death, but made narcotics sounds so much cooler than they wanted.

Abed: Do you think bees eat their own honey?

Troy: I'm sure they've at least tasted it.

Oh, Troy. We know what you really meant lmao.

Pierce: What are you doing living above a Dildopolous? And when did they open a second location?

Greatest line of the episode for me!

Damn, Pierce gave Annie ~$5,000!

Annie: Okay, guys, the most important thing to remember is to have fun! The second-most important thing to remember is to know all your lines, blocking, and not mess up a single thing.

If that isn't a community theatre director, I don't know!

Damn, this entire Pierce arc is just a not-so-subtle dig at Chevy Chase's infamous days on SNL.

Britta: What does this symbol mean? It's the number 8, an equal sign, and a greater-than symbol?

Jeff: Abed, we messed up. You know that text we sent? That was to Britta's nephew. He sent her an emoti-penis. What do we do?


Dean: Well that answers my question. Jeff Winger is sexy, even in a coffin.


Pierce: Being flushed doesn't necessarily mean I'm dead! I could be a floater! Y'know? A floater is when you have a number two--

Annie: I know what a floater is, Pierce!


Pierce: Ain't no party without drugs!

Random Child: I love you, drugs!


Pierce: Fired? Next time I'm at Dildopolous, I won't be coming upstairs to be saying hi.


Annie: No, Pierce. I know you don't depend on anyone, but I do know that you depend on people depending on you. So I'm not gonna take anymore of your money.

Pierce: So we're still friends?

Annie: Give me a day.

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