Review by ladysherlockian

Foundation: Season 1

1x08 The Missing Piece

Quite an interesting episode, focusing more on the Day brother and his participation in the pilgrimage of the Luminists, which entails walking in the heat of the dessert without any water or food. For a brief time, he sort of befriends an elderly pilgrim, who gives him advice along the road and then dies. Day manages to finish the pilgrimage and reaches the cave, then he annouces he had a vision which legitimises the clone dynasty by linking it to the triple godesses and thus enabling the Empire's favourite to win the position of the next Proxima. Though it looks like the pilgrimage did not change Day's arrogant nature one bit as he did not undertake it for religious reasons but to prove his point. It is quite surprising that the robot is quite religious, and the scene when she is supposed to assassinate the Proxima-wannabe on Day's orders in spite of her beliefs but cannot override her programming is quite moving, especially as the priestess is consoling her even though she knows the robot is about to kill her. It looks like the robot indeed has more soul than the clones do. In the end of the episode it is explained that there was no vision, Day only wanted political leverage.

Gaal continues to quarrel with the digital copy of Seldon, he explains that his plan was to create a second Foundation without the first knowing anything about it, but she wants to have none of this and forces him to let her escape in the pod. She chooses the direction of her home planet, the journey takes over a hundred years so we probably won't see her anytime soon. It's a pity she didn't wanted to know anything about the second Foundation because now we don't know anything about it either.

It looks like Hugo did not die in space but rather escaped on purpose to use the communication devices on the nearby planet. He calls to his home planet of Thespis to alert them about the Anacreon plans. Salvor's storyline follows the long trek though the Invictus ship, it only her and Lewis who reach the cockpit but apparently only specially engineered humans can steer the spaceship, if Salvor tries it, she may die. She intends to return to Terminus, but as Hugo's spaceships attack them at the last moment, a skrimish with the Anacreons ensues and it is too late to stop Invictus from jumping in space to some random location. Definitely not the best year for Salvor.

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