Another rather intense episode, this time with the plot of the Empire brothers but nothing more about Gaal. The parts with the Empire have some "Game of Thrones" feel with the large scale politics and intrigues centering on the choice of the new leader of the Luminism religion, as the woman opposed to cloned people seems to win a lot of support from other priestesses. It is a bit surprising that the robot handmaiden of the Empire is also a believer in this religion, which resembles some ancient pagan cults. The plot of the youngest brother also gives some "GoT" vibes as the oldest brother invites Dawn to a hunt and then to some kind of luxury brothel. Dawn discovers that he is different than the previous copies of Cleon as he can hunt better and is also colur-blind so it follows he cannot be their identical clone. He also seems more sensitive towards ordinary people than it is usual for an Empire, it looks like his relationship with the gardener girl develops.

Salvor's plot is rather tragic, as she loses her dad in the episode. First things look good as she is sprung from prison by the kids and then reunites with dad and Hugo, and they set off to destroy the corvettes, however the plan sort of misfires when Salvor has one of her visions during this action, i the vision she is watching Hari instructing Raych to kill him and escape in the pod (so the pod Gaal ended up in was really for him and he sacrificed himself to save her, letting her escape in his pod). I quite liked the scene in which Salvor's dad tells her how he met her mother and that he actually joined the Foundation for her, which makes his death later in the episode more sad. He manages to set off the explosion that destroys the corvettes but is killed in the process, whereas Salvor blames herself for his death. When they reach Hugo's ship, they are overrun by the Anacreans, but Hugo manages to transfer the ship controls to Salvor to save her life, so that the ship cannot leave without her, and she does the same for him, saying she needs him as she knows nothing about piloting a ship.

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