Review by ladysherlockian

Foundation: Season 1

1x05 Upon Awakening

Quite an intense and exiting episode, focusing entirely on Gaal and Salvor. I liked Gaal in the first two episodes so it was really nice to see her backstory and discovered how she won the math contest. Having to participate in the execution of her former mentor must have taken an emotional toll on Gaal and made her turn away from the Sleeper religion (though she did not seem very much convinced about the reliion from the get-go). It is great the show finally explains what happened to Gaal, she wakes from the cryo sleep after more than 34 years (apparently she did not age during this time since she looks just the same) and is devastated after learning about Raych's fate and even tries to committ suicide, but it is interesting to see her transition from complete despair to her old logical self as she tries to command the ship (which seems to me made for Raych and not her) using her knowledge. She quickly gets control over her emotions back. Hari Seldon is also back, somehow recreated from the murder weapon Raych threw into Gaal's pod.

Things are not going so well for Salvor since the Anacreons soon get the upper hand over the Foundation settlers. This time the huntress manages to outwit Salvor and destroys the force field protecting the colony, while her second-in-command shoots down the Empire spaceship that came to help the settlers. Then she forces Salvor to watch how her soldiers destroy the colony and everything the settlers have built so far. The Anacreon attack was very well-prepared, and now it seems that the whole Foundation went down in flames with all the artifacts the scientists have gathered for the future generations. Phara claims her main motive is revenge on the Empire but maybe she has some more complex endgame. She is definitely an interesting antagonist

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