Review by Justin Numerick


Season 1

Season 1 Review:
This feels like a decent start that mostly got better as it went along. It's a pretty good concept for a show and they use that concept well enough. Even if I didn't think there was the greatest balance of characters, most of those characters are really enjoyable and that's what drives the show. Harvey is so likable and Mike is a pretty good second lead, but together their relationship makes the show stand out more. They both learn from each other and their admiration for each other is very charming when it comes through. The melodrama could be a bit much at times but when we're focused on the courtroom and legal stuff and especially the dynamic between the two leads, the show is at its best. Louis is also a character that snuck up on me, I think he has potential to be one of the best aspects of the show both comedically and on a character level.

The comedy in general feels stale at times but there are plenty of little moments that are very funny and it's mostly thanks to the line delivery from the actors. The editing is also pretty clever at times and helps support the comedy. Mike and Rachel are also a big positive as they have pretty electric chemistry. Everything with Mike's personal life just can't compare to the rest of the show and whenever it focused on those parts I found myself just wanting to get back to the other plot points and characters. But they do bridge the two together well at times and especially in the finale. Overall, I don't think I would be into this show if it wasn't for the two leads. The tone and plot points can step a bit too far into soap opera territory for my taste, but the Harvey and Mike dynamic elevate the experience and I had a good time with the first season.

6.8/10 -- Good

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