It's a solid episode. Dukat is great. Certainly it's also great to see him evolving. He's being demoted, his wife left him and this of course doesn't sit well with his larger than life ego. Kira is Star Trek's most emancipated woman in that era. She's a badass that credibly incorporates the resourceful and fearless fighter. Both harmonize very well as a team. And still you don't know whether they are friends or foes. A bit of both. I guess. With all that ambiguity, Kira and Dukat are one of DS9's greatest pairs. Here's the problem: we've seen that before: In episode 4x04 Kira and Dukat went on a mission in which Kira's rebel past came in handy and in which we already learned how multi-layered Dukat really is. And again both fight against a superior enemy and win a valuable trophy. This episode won't tell us anything new. It's still interesting to be aboard this Cardassian spaceship and witness how they operate. And the dynamic between Kira and Dukat (+Ziyal) is still great. But it's not better than maybe a 6/10 or maybe a 7/10 (+1 'cause I like Dukat and I appreciate that lovely Ziyal will become a regular guest star).

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