Review by fausty

Breaking Bad

Season 5

What else is there to say, besides this being the best ending to any television, ever. The second half of the season is so full of just immensely satisfying resolutions, where choices made from the beginning are followed up with their rightful consequences, and one truth becomes startlingly clear: You'll always get caught.

Seeing the rise and the fall of an empire illustrated through this season is fucking incredible, and I love how overt it's storytelling is. At every possible moment Vince Gilligan and the writers not only go out of their way to make sure you know, but the show itself makes sure you know that Walt is not a good guy. At every turn, and every choice, everyone but Walt says that he's a monster... until the end, that fucking awesome line.
"I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it."

Walter White died the moment he killed Krazy-8 and Emilio in season one. Here, we just see Heisenberg finally catch up to him.
I cannot overstate how good everything is in this season. There's rarely a slow moment past episode 10, and by then every episode after is just one part of the ultimate finale for this show. So fucking good, so fucking perfect.

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