Review by fausty

Breaking Bad

Season 3

I think it stumbles a little tiny bit at some points, mostly just with some weird pacing I feel like, but with the absolute best episode Fly under this season as well as one of the best season finales like, ever, and just amazing acting across the board from everyone, this season more than keeps its stride. It's awesome!
I'm so glad they finally gave characters a bit more juice, but more specifically Jesse and Skylar here. Skylar finally feels like someone who's taking action, who knows what her husband is but doesn't want to tear her family apart with that knowledge, so she lashes out and retaliates and does what is actually necessary to keep things together while Walt does his Pablo Escobar cosplay.She's so good this season, and so understandable and so tender, I love her here. Anna Gunn puts her whole heart into Skyler and the result is just breathtaking.
Jesse, though... Jesse is fucking incredible. Aaron Paul is on Bryan Cranston's level of acting and characterization with their roles that just more than sells their roles, they feel like they're the subject of documentaries, they feel like living, breathing and real people we are seeing in these self-destructive ways. They ways that Paul is able to just, show emotion in the subtlest and the loudest ways is fucking incredible. He deserves so much praise for his work here.
The way that this season feels not just like a very good midpoint, it also feels like there's no going back, and it shows in all of our characters. Fly specifically is a beautiful demonstration of Walter's mental state and thought processes up to this point, and that episode recaps it all perfectly... only to show that he doesn't actually want to go back.
Fuck i'm so glad I'm rewatching these

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