Shout by Jim222001

The Dark Knight Rises 2012


Shout by Jim222001

Half eh, half awesome. Eh since Batman is something that can go on and on. Imagine if Nolan went on to give his version of the Damien Wayne stories or the Dark Knight Returns.
I felt like they rushed to end things. They most likely had many films planned with Heath Ledger as the Joker. While I understand why they wouldn't recast the Joker. I do think the Joker deserved to be mentioned.
The good however is what some people consider bad and that's Tom Hardy's bad ass work as Bane. The Talia Al Ghul twist was disappointing since she reveals herself and bam she is dead. While Bruce himself just is retired for years and crippled before he comes back retire again.
There's so little this Batman actually got to do or face if you think it about it. The movie is engaging and excellent for what it is. But some-what of a let down after the Dark Knight was so good.

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