Review by DAVY X

Transformers 2007


Review by DAVY X

(I suppose).
Dose this movie
"Have The Touch"
Does it
"Have The Power"
Compared to
The 1986
The Movie"
(Which is 10/10
and frickin awesome
by the way)
This movie is
by comparison.
I think it's on far to long
and definitely started to
drag and took way to long
to get to the point.
This movie as I like to
say sufferers from
"The Godziller syndrome"
meaning it spends way
to much focus on the
humans and their boring
drama. (that's not what
I signed up for),
I'm here to see
Optimus prime kick
Megatrons butt at the
end of the day.
What really does piss me
off is I waited all movie
for a one on one and
When they go for the
Big Fight
Prime and Tron
the camra immediately
cuts away and goes back
to what the humans are doing.
That's bloody criminal.
That being said The
Vfx are good the action we
do get is nice albeit with
a drunk camera man who's
all over the place so it's
hard to actually make out
what the fcuk is going on.
(A guy with tourettes
could do a much steadier
job of holding the camera
Michael Bay
did a good job in
bringing the
Robots in disguise
to the big screen,
I love the
Mom and Dad
They are hilarious
especially the Mom
and Maggie
(Rachael Taylor)
is so beautiful,
Holy-smokes wow.
Thank god these movies
get much much better
as we hit each sequel
apart from
"The Last knight"
which is Appalling
and definitely the worst one,
it's that bad it makes
number 1
Look like a god damn Masterpiece.

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