Review by fausty

Breaking Bad

Season 1

I'm rewatching this because I had a real itch to enjoy this perfect season, and now that Better Call Saul has it's last season on netflix, I'm gonna try and speedrun through the series' so I can fully enjoy them... again.
I always knew I loved the first season of Breaking Bad when I first watched it during my covid infection in January 2022, but rewatching this again just really cements it in my mind. What I appreciate the most about season 1 is that the whole season just kinda feels like a very long pilot episode. It takes its time in establishing our location, the cast and their motivations, our characters and what they want, what they need, and what they hopelessly fall for. Every major player that stays with us throughout the whole show is shown in excruciatingly painful detail, and it changes the game massively. Knowing that our characters are just trying to get by, or just not taking things seriously, or, in my favorite case, Walter is shown to be the most egotistical, borderline-narcissistic piece of shit masquerading as a loving father who just wants nothing more than to provide for his family.

And I love that, on rewatching, every single thing that is good and bad about Walt is shown right at the beginning. You wouldn't believe that this show didn't have a plan for where it would end up, that it was almost cancelled after it's 3rd season, because everything is not just seamless throughout the show, but even from the very beginning the foundations are set in stone and followed faithfully.
The acting is phenomenal and career bests for everyone involved, the direction is masterful through every episode of this season, and the start of that classic BB style is established and experimented with right from the getgo. This is one of my favorite seasons of all time, and could absolutely watch this season over and over again.

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