Review by Richie M

The Hand 2018

This beautiful film from Wong Kar Wai was made as part of an anthology of films called 'Eros' that explore desire. The other two films in that anthology are directed by Steven Soderberg and Michelangelo Antonioni. ‘The hand’ is mid-length and is like a mini sequel to Wong's 'In the Mood for Love', but with different characters.

Chang Cheng plays Zhang, a shy dressmaker who gets romantically involved with a high end call girl Miss Hua played by the stunning Gong Li. There's something of the Reynolds Woodcock about Zhang's character (his utter love for dressmaking, and the obsession with a mysterious lady), but the tone is classic Wong. Set in 60's Hong Kong there are so many similar shots from 'In the Mood for Love' and once again Christopher Doyle is the DoP that gels it all together in such unique, gorgeous style.

Zhang and Miss Hua’s relationship is charted throughout what seems like a span of several years and the narrative is non-linear with a sort of bookend scene at beginning and end that explains why we are seeing a flashback for most of the film. It’s a really lovely way to spend 55 minutes.

The film can be found on the extras of the ‘2046’ Blu Ray and is also streaming on the Criterion channel.

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