Review by MightyMike91


Season 1

Insane, interesting and watchable.
Those three words sums up the new Netflix series 'Narcos' for me. The Columbian drugs trade is the central topic of the serie and especially the big boss Pablo Escobar. But it isn't a show reel about his 'gangster lifestyle' or crimes. The whole story is told for the perspective of the DEA agent who was stationed in Colombia during this time. This was due by the insane amount of cocaine which was transported to the USA.

The insane and interesting part are caused by the story and because it is 'based on true events'. Which makes it truly insane, for instead that he made some much money that he didn't cared that rat eat away millions of dollars per year. That the 'fun fact' about it, the part that was interesting for me was the way he build his empire and handled his business. Because this isn't fiction I was interested in another way. Of course I watched it out of an entertainment perspective but noticed that I was sucking up information as you do with a documentary. I see this as an big plus for the series, it entertained me and educated me on the subjects history.

What made it really watchable for me was the way the story was set-up, told and filmed. The first episode is mostly told by the voice of the DEA agents which tells how Pablo started with the business. This is filmed really smoothly and you get to know a lot without getting overly fed with info. The acting is done really good by the whole cast and especially the lead character Pablo Ascobar. The filming, editing and set up of the shots was done pretty descent. I had no problems with it, but I wasn't blow away by it.

I had some few small issues with the series. Sometimes further on in the series I had the feeling that they gave some information to clearly or 'over obvious'. Like they don't trust you to make the connections yourself. For example: something happened between person A and B. That person C would ask person B in the next scene 'What happened with you and person A'. That kinda felt like they wrote that scene only for the audience to make sure that they would get it. I had this feeling like 5 to 6 times in total. No big issues but they could have a little more faith in us! Secondly, the story starts off with a 'flash forward' were a certain event occurred. At the end of episode 8 you get to know the details of this event. Which didn't felt right to me, because they showed you something that would come back in ep. 8 which isn't the final episode. For me works this way of story telling better when it is the finale event of a series/movie. Besides that I didn't think that, that specific event was that import to start with. The last thing that I want to mention is the ending, of course without spoiling anything. The end was kinda unexpected for me. It wasn't a nice rapped up end without any questions. Which gave me mixed feelings, I like to be challenged to think but it felt a bit to rushed. Maybe they could have ended with some info written on screen.

Anyways it was a insane story which was interesting for the beginning to the end and I think its really watchable for everyone who likes series!

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