I absolutely do not care about all the sex innuendos with Claire and Phil. Or rather "Juliana and Clive". I didn't care about that role-playing in season 1 and five seasons later I still don't like it. I find it, um, seriously awkward.

And because I'm already ranting - Why did Cam and Mitch had only one kiss during the whole show? Their only kiss happened at their wedding. Seriously? We see Claire and Phil making out, and Jay and Gloria were dry-humping each other in other episodes, and all the couples throw around innuendos (even the teenagers!). But the gays do not even kiss? Even the dog got kissed more often! This is not equality. It's nothing new that Modern Family is basically one stereotype after another, but at least treat the gay couple the same way you treat the other two families and don't just use them as your poster child to lure in the LGBTQ community. Because they're doing exactly this - They're using the gay couple as advertisement for the LGBTQ community, but they don't dare to actually let the gay couple be, well, gay besides clichés because they don't want to scare away their "normal" viewers.

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Modern Family: -gaybaits you into watching show- -cackles-

I guess it's a modern form of advertisement, and that's what we're all about, right? Gay rights are awesome! Because we can get a larger audience! More money! YAAY GAY RIGHTS!!
