Review by Andrew Bloom

[5.0/10] I feel like there’s some joke here I'm not getting. Something about the cross pollination between samurai archetypes, gunslinger archetypes, and spaceman archetypes that have been flowing between the U.S. and Japan for decades, I think? But it doesn’t quite land, and for what feels like a pretty explicitly comedy episode, I don’t think I so much as chucked at this one.

Part of it is that the big gag seems to be that Spike and Andy, the showboating rich kid cowboy bounty hunter, get on one another's nerves because they're so much alike. But other than having a palette-swapped character design, they don’t really seem anything alike? Maybe that's the joke? I have no idea.

The only genuinely funny part in this is the Teddy Bear Bomber, who goes to Batman ‘66 villain-like extremes to pull off his elaborate, political ploys, only to go ignored by the bounty hunters who’d rather scrap with one another. His efforts to be taken seriously and never having a chance to explain his motives is mildly amusing.

But that's about it for this one. When Spike and Andy finally do square off on the rooftop, the animation itself is quite good. There’s a bit of a Looney Tunes quality to their tet-a-tet. Once again, the show excels with the flow and movement of bodies, especially in the context provides for a little extra exaggeration. But otherwise, this is a pretty tepid outing for the show.

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