[4.4/10] I was always going to struggle with an Edward-focused episode. I don't want to beat a dead horse about how I find her annoying. But suffice it to say, this one isn't for me, especially when very little actually happens.

The bet I can say is that there is some mild charm to Edward all but pulling a Being There with her weirdness inadvertently getting in the way of some genuine bounty hunting in a way that benefits the Bebop crew, albeit not in the way they were hoping. Plus hey, Ein gets a fair amount to do in this one, which is always a win in my book.

I do find it odd that the powers that be on the creative team decided to go with a Blaxploitation film for the setting here. It seems a strange fit for the tone of the show, and particularly for Edward’s energy, but maybe they’re going for a comic mismatch. I did enjoy the train pursuit from the shrooms dealer and the two bounty hunters, which presages a similarly cool sequence in Samurai Jack.

Color me a little disappointed in the “mushroom samba” portions of thai one though. The premise of our heroes tripping promises all kinds of impressionistic fun. Instead, we get Spike walking up the same stairs and talking to a frog, Faye pretending to swim in a toilet bowl, and Jet laughing to himself in front of some bonsai. An opportunity to go wild with imaginative psychedelic sequences left me cold,especially since this episode is the trope-namer for elaborate drug trips on TV Tropes.

Overall, this is a lackluster episode that probably was never going to please me anyway given the focus on Edward, but misses a grand opportunity with the mild nature of its mushroom trips for the other members of the crew.

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