Review by Dr Octopus
BlockedParent2023-04-14T16:16:10Z— updated 2023-07-21T03:47:43Z

Looks like a lot of these poor people complaining about the "sjw stuff" need to really grow the f up. Stop living in the past - almost all the people in the top positions of power are still male, so i think you're fine if they decided to add a few women and POC to the show.

Idk where you've been, but TOS was rampant with so much sexism it was almost funny.
If this show upsets you, you're too sensitive, get over it.
You're paying way too much attention to things that just dont matter

This show is the best Star Trek we've had in a while. The Orville is obviously better (without actually being Star Trek)

The episodic nature makes it easy for people to just watch whenever. There's still a little story going on as usual in th sure i liked at first, but really did eventually.

Ok, after a rewatch, the dialogue can be really cheesy and bad, maybe even a little badly written and acted, but it's still kind of a good show and better than anything they've had to offer in a while, and the stories are good. The captain is forgettable as hell & a bad actor (honestly he's a damn potato - he fumbles over lines, especially when you can tell he's trying to read during a voice over. It's abysmal.... ). Idk why they chose him. Looks? They should really have considered this part more than anyone. Him and Spock (who i think does well - that's good casting.). The captain is supposed to tie things together -and is so integral - so it really is doing a massive disservice to the show. Makes it seem worse than it actually is, sometimes.

I would also like to know how and why you kill off one of the best characters in SEASON 1 and expect to get away with that... aren't we still trying to start establishing a crew that the audience should be getting used to, with people that they like? So killing off somebody like that - it's a bad idea. Even for drama's sake.

Either way, I can't wait for more of this.
It's still good. I still like it. Just wish the captain didn't suck :person_shrugging:♂

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