Review by manicure

Fast & Furious 6 2013

Japanese title: Wild Speed EURO MISSION.

This is the one in Europe with the tank and the cars flying around attached to an airplane (it will take another three movies to see the cars fly independently). Toretto’s family completes its transformation into a real team of superheroes at the service of the government, complete with a supervillain and a deadly device that could destroy the world. And let’s not forget the mandatory BBQ scene, soon to become a staple of the franchise.

Despite the hilarious premise of the plot and the renewed self-awareness that breathed new life into the series with its fifth installment, this one sadly got back to the tone of the fourth, with more bloated melodrama and much less dumb fun. Perhaps if the film were shorter, it would have been easier to overlook the terrible writing and incomprehensible choices made by the characters. But, alas, the movie drags on for what feels like an eternity, indulging in meaningless side quests and character-centered moments that add nothing to their personalities. The only redeeming factor is the demise of one of my all-time unfavorite characters. I also kind of liked how Roman became the audience's voice and started making fun of the plot himself.

Actual score: 3.5
Guilty pleasure score: 5.5 with sparse 7 to 7.5 moments
Final score: 4

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