Shout by nextstep
BlockedParent2015-09-09T17:38:51Z— updated 2024-05-25T00:21:46Z

I watched the pilot, but Colbert just doesn't bring the humor (he never has). It felt like a waste of time, so I'll be skipping this version of the late show.

Many viewers find David Letterman's style of comedy to be more engaging and entertaining compared to Colbert's. Letterman had a unique ability to blend wit, sarcasm, and spontaneity, creating memorable moments that resonated with audiences for decades. His interviews were often characterized by a dry humor and offbeat charm, making them both insightful and amusing. Additionally, Letterman's comedic timing and delivery were widely praised, contributing to his status as a late-night legend. Overall, while Colbert has his own strengths as a host, many fans of late-night television simply prefer the comedic sensibilities of David Letterman.

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Reply by Phil

I enjoyed him hosting, I am a fan from The Colbert Report though. I just don't think the show is for you. I see you like Real Time With Bill Maher, I'd put Colbert much higher than Bill, even though I watch both.

I don't see much comedy in your history either, maybe try some more.

OPReply by nextstep
Blocked2015-09-09T21:20:23Z— updated 2024-05-25T00:27:23Z

The show isn't for me. While Colbert is clever and sharp in interviews, his long monologues and lack of comedic interaction with the audience during stand-up segments ruin it for me. He struggles with uninteresting or awkward guests, which happens often on late-night shows. Maybe comparing him to Letterman's unique humor and people skills isn't fair. Bill Maher's humor, though repetitive, suits me better. The Late Show has definitely changed.

It's not a BAD show, it's just not at the same level as the old show. It's a dumbed down version for CBS. Hopefully with Stewart on the writing team, they'll be able to push the boundaries a bit more after he falls off the radar when the shiny newness wears off.


Reply by Nick

John Stewart is on the writing team?

Listed in the credits as an executive producer.

I think the pilot was probably the worst episode. Give it another go.
