Review by FinFan

seaQuest DSV 1993

I watched a couple of episodes of this show on its original run and remembered it as being a solid scifi show. So I thought it would be a good idea to watch the whole thing. Now, I know it's makes a difference at what age you watch a show but this took an effort to make it through.I was on the brink of quitting more then once.

There are two points I want to adress that I repeatedly read about this. The first being that this is Star Trek under water. Not from where I stand. Star Trek always took strong position on social issues whereas with Seaquest the scale always tipps for the entertainment angle instead of really adressing the issues.

The second thing is that the individual season are becoming worser. Again from where I stand I wouldn't agree. Both, S1 and S2 and amazingly stupid episodes as well as a couple of decent ones. My average episodes rating of those seasons only has a margin slightly above a half point. They are pretty much on par. Season three includes the highest rated episode and does on average better than one and two.

I won't go into much more detail as I've written comments about every individual episode. So here is my average rating for each season:

S1: 5,565
S2: 5,000
S3: 6,308
Overall: 5,624

That's barely a six overall. It's my personal opinion so please don't let this disuade you from watching it yourself.

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