Review by Lars Sieval

Knock at the Cabin 2023

"The four of us are here to prevent the apocalypse. We - and when I say, "we", I mean everyone in this cabin, can stop it from happening, but only with your help. Ultimately, where the world ends or not is completely up to you three."

Went into Knock at the Cabin blind and it went a totally different route then I expected it to go but near the end before they told us I had a feeling these four "strangers" represented the four Horseman of the Apocalypse and seeing Ron Weasley as one of them was great. First movie I think I ever saw with Rupert Grint in which he isn't a wizard. Fun Stuff!

I also have to give big Dave Bautista a shoutout. He is getting better and better and hopefully he will get many more interesting movie roles! He might not be the draw "The Rock" is but he surely to me acting wise, the best pro wrestler turned actor.

Anyway M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin is a great to look at, has great acting, a cute kid in Kristen Cui, it has a infomercial, sadly no Batista Bomb, great self constructed weapons, is never dull and has no twist.

After seeing the movie I am interested in reading the book on which it is based. Which is always a good sign and I'm always happy to see a enjoyable M. Night movie.

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