The building is good, but the ending disappointing.

It tries to keep the humorous vibe that goes with Ant-Man, but a looot of the jokes fall flat and/or are just stupid.

It's entirely CGI, and with one line of thought: "Quantum means weird: Let's mix whatever weird thing we can thing about but make it look like Star Wars cantina"Some ideas are interesting, some are not, but it's just brushed over and unexploited.

For the characters, it's a bit weird. Not an Ant-Man but a Let's bring the whole family movie. Which mostly does not work.

Paul Rudd does the job. Not much more to say, he was a good fit before, still is. The character is set now, so nothing really new (a bit of a let down on a third movie), but the Scott parts (as in non Ant-Man) are fun.

Cassie being a rebel, also genius scientist, and having her own suit, is a pretty nice thing (probably going for some future teen avengers). I felt the character was well balanced since she's still a child and doesn't know what she's doing, she did not become an instant superhero.

But Hank was very disappointing. He has mostly some punchlines and poses, but overall doesn't bring much to the movie. He really felt out of place most of the time.
Not much better from Janet. Basically "shut up, I had another life there and I won't talk about it" for more than half the movie, and almost nothing afterwards.
And Hope is mostly absent. Following the parents, has a minimum utility in the weird scene, fights a bit at the end.

The Quantum Realm residents have some interesting designs. But again, most of the jokes/punchlines fall flat. The talk about holes was funny the first time, not the fourth.

MODOK was insufferably annoying. Jar Jar Binks level. Looks like lo-fi CGI that really detonates in the middle of an already all CGI movie, like a botched photoshop with different resolution images. No idea if he was supposed to be funny or tragic or weird or a mix, but whatever, all of his scenes are cringe, topped at his ending.

Kang, however, was great. Well, Majors is great, and the character is mostly good. But its use and ending are underwhelming to say the least.

He's building a huge army, destined to conquer the multiverse and it all gets trashed by only one big guy.
He supposedly rule the Quantum Realm, but is totally unaware that there is a whole civilization of more technologically advanced ants.
His fighting abilities are not that great (not supposed to be his strength) even if it tries to make us think so, having a whole army flee from him, but that makes the all ending being a punching contest with Ant-Man a bit stupid.
He has supposedly already defeated so many Avengers that he can't remember. He was supposedly so dangerous that all his other versions leagued together to banish him. But seriously, being defeated that easily by Ant-Man, what could he have done against Thor, or Hulk, or a whole team of Avengers ?

Small annoying thing, that is pretty usual: the whole concept is that it's impossible to get out of the Quantum Realm, yet once it's convenient, they just go back however they want. Janet just spends a few minutes on Kang's computer to open a portal back (and directly to their basement !). Meaning there is already everything for it to work, there is no need for extra hardware or energy source or whatever, just need to configure something. She does it in a few minutes and he couldn't manage it in all these years ?? And then, after the supposedly only chance closes, they just conveniently have a second opened, instantly, just like that, at the right place (supposedly by Cassie this time). So again, she figures it out in a few minutes ??

A word about the big scene. I suppose it was meant to be a cool climax, but it just felt annoying and stupid.

In the first movies, going in the Quantum Realm was something bad happening when you went too small with the suit.Now they're in it, yet they can still use the suits to get bigger or smaller or much smaller or it seems even Quantum Realm smaller...
Not clear why the module/engine/core/whatever has been gigantized, yet he needs to get quantum small to get to it ?
And then there's this whole probability thing.
It's meant to be different versions depending on decisions at that moment. So identical up to the point they split. So how the hell is there the BR version ? Why would all decide to help him ? They're all here to save their daughter. By comparison, the Wasp has just a few barely seen after-images. And I get the symbolism of all disappearing when they joined, but come one, how does that make any sense ? So yeah, what a waste of money on that scene.

So a few good ideas, a good start, but the whole second half is full of disappointment. An ok entertainment mixed with very annoying things.

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