Review by Dr Octopus

Star Trek 1966


Review by Dr Octopus
BlockedParent2023-02-26T01:32:12Z— updated 2023-08-09T17:04:05Z

To go where sexism has gone before! Boy... It's like Uhura is the only female character that actually matters. The rest are there simply to carry the captain's tricorder etc, or the tricorder of someone else. If not, they are written as an entirely ridiculous character that just does silly things - of course because she's female.

The first actress who ever played Yeoman, was even written off the show because someone in the production company sexually harassed her. She was supposed to be an integral character in the show - and tbh, she was great (imo she disappears right when her character feels like it's gotten it's footing - right when I started to really like her).

They claimed her presence was getting in the way of the producers' desire for Kirk not to be tied to one love interest.
Silly, right?

Well.... At least the other parts of the show are good, and the movies are much better. I can't say I dont appreciate what came after, either. TNG, DS9 and Voyager are amazing. :sign_horns: Strange New Worlds, Prodigy and Lower Decks, also, recently, have been some of my favorites. A great franchise really.

Plus Leonard Nimoy is the man. He's really fantastic. Live long and prosper, dude.

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