"No violence." Yet everything breaks out and down. A part of Kevin fights back and pushes Patti, Nora is revealed to be still hurting, Jill hurts her friend enough so she leaves but faces her mother, and Laurie's facade is slowing breaking as she keep pretending to be on board. The only people not moving and breaking are Patti and Megan, there's a moment where the latter's smile is telling. They are the embodiment of remembering, both are testing and pushing others into giving up, one even is going all the way and becoming an eternal memory. At this point it seems Megan will be the perfect replacement for Patti and she knows it. In this episode everyone besides them are tested and fail. To find solace in not pretending but embracing. And many will use remembrance as a weapon on those who can't accept. This is not yet the point where people can or want to move on. But this is the start of it.
What an amazing hour of television.

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