Shout by Jim222001

Knock at the Cabin 2023


Shout by Jim222001

These days of course the trailers made it obvious of the Shymalan twist. That everything the strangers say is true. Even the trailers didn’t leave much for the imagination. No Sixth Sense like twist exists that will leave you shocked.
With that said A Knock At The Cabin is still one of Shymalan’s better movies. He has done worse movies where he seems to enjoy getting robotic performances out of people. Even Mark Wahlberg and Will Smith.
There’s at least no robotic performance and way better dialogue than Wahlberg had in the Happening. Even if I can’t say the trailers didn’t tell most of what to expect.
I just didn’t expect the sacrifices and that is about all that surprised me. After one though, they are less shocking and there’s nothing else surprising.

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