How is this film the second lowest rated MCU movie ever? Is it perfect? Not at all. But it is Ant-Man cheesy level enjoyable, with memorable set pieces, and a great introduction to the next big villain! Speaking of the villain, Jonathan Majors is incredible! He oozes of a smooth confidence that is more intimidating than if we was angry. The setting feels almost like a knock off Star Wars film, even down to outfits, locations, comic relief side characters. Don't trust the critics, check this one out!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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I finally got around to watching this a second time. It is still very much "good" MCU. It serves best as a quality introduction to Kang. The rest is quality effects, action, and some chuckles that the MCU has become known for.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching
