[4.0/10] I don’t know what this was. It’s not really a parody of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, despite the title and the setting of an insane asylum. Despite statements to the contrary, it doesn’t do much for Zog, just sort of magically deciding he’s done with his insanity, without much in the way of an actual breakthrough. It doesn’t actually get Bean and company to Dreamland, instead giving them another detour. I don’t know why this episode exists.

It’s certainly not for the laughs. This is one of the barest, most laughless hours I can recall from Disenchantment. I’m not even sure it’s trying to be funny half the time. It seems content to just be mild and present part of the time.

It’s also not really for the plot. Theoretically this explains why Zog is headed back to Dreamland. But otherwise, stuff just sort of happens in this one. His time in the asylum is a big unfunny waste. His time in the monastery is a little better, but not by much. (The Washing Monk was mildly enjoyable.)

It’s not really for Bean’s story either, since her coming close to Dreamland and picking up the laughing horse along the way does nothing for me.

The only positives here are Zog resolving to fight to protect his kids rather than himself, even if it’s largely unmotivated, and Vip and Vap’s cute little sojourn to rescue Zog. Everything else is a giant yawn.

Overall, there’s little in this episode that's outright bad, but it feels like one of the most dull and pointless episodes of the show there’s been.

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