Review by manicure


Season 3

Dark’s third season supposedly gave most of the answers we needed, yet I couldn’t be more confused. The multiple dimensions gimmick introduced at the end of the second season was a major turn-off, but thankfully they managed to keep the tone consistent with the rest of the series. The problem is that they spent too much time re-introducing and exploring characters and situations that in the end have no real purpose in the story. At the same time, characters that had extensive story arcs in the first two seasons got mysteriously abandoned or killed off for no reason. More than a lack of time, it felt like the time they had was poorly managed. The solutions provided in the end almost came up out of nowhere, and we don’t even get to see how people came to those conclusions, nor how the “villains” became the people they are through time. Things got so convoluted and contrived that all we could do was trust the writers without questioning further.

There’s not a huge gap in production value or direction, but it just felt like the whole show was poorly plotted, leaving too many contradictions behind. The biggest one is definitely the role of destiny. At this point, it’s clear that no matter how hard a character may try to change things, destiny will fix everything so that the loops can repeat as always. Yet, we keep being shown characters devoting their lives to making sure that each loop goes as it should have. Maybe I missed the whole point, but the writing feels more confusing than cryptic.

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