The episode is a well balanced revenge story involving a great mystery and an exciting finale. We know early what's going on and what the headache has to do with it, but the crew can't know and needs to solve the mystery. Riker does a great job. Wesley also does a great job, but I hate the fact that he's used as a convenient tool to get the story going.

It really adds depth to Picard's character. Stewart shows all his potential early in this show. We learn that he was a fierce fighter. We learn that he was some sort of tactical genius. We also learn that he made enemies. He has a past. He's a vulnerable human after all.

I've watched TNG multiple times. It's the first time that I actually get why Ensigns are dressed in that rainbow colored uniforms. Makes sense.

Ferengis are slighty improved. They are still too savage to capitalize on their rich culture, fascinating history and society that we will only fully grasp in DS9. I also don't understand why Riker is so happy to see them. It's almost like they are his pets or something.

I like that they keep discussing this headache issue. It's such a small thing, but Crusher's obsession with it really conveys the idea that this is the future and medicine has advanced.

I also like the Stargazer (is that from an OST movie set?).

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