Review by ragreynolds

Doctor Who

Season 11

Season 10 was a big step down in quality from season 9, and this season (11) is an even bigger step down again. Jodie as The Doctor is not bad at all, in fact, I think she has a lot of potential, and she does her best with what she has to work with. However, the same cannot be said for her companions. Aside from Jodie, almost everyone in this season is annoying, boring, or simply uninteresting.

Ryan is incredibly annoying and he lowers the quality of every scene he is in, while Graham feels totally out of place as though he's acting in a completely different show from everyone else. It's as though they saw Bradley Walsh out in the street and said "Hey, come in here for a second!" and handed him some lines and told him to give it his best shot. Yaz is the least-bad offender of the season's three companions, but that's only because she's too bland to stand out as annoying or out of place.

The writing this season is poor and uninspiring, and the overall tone of the show just feels... off. It doesn't feel like Doctor Who. It feels like a different show. It is even filmed differently to previous seasons. The show up until this point has had its fair share of up and downs, with some episodes being not so great, and others being amazing. But I was always happy to push on and persevere the bad because I knew that something great was sure to be right around the corner. This season is the first time when I've watched Doctor Who that I've felt entirely unmotivated to continue on; because I am no longer sure that something great will be around the corner. In my opinion, this is the first season that hasn't had a single 'good' episode. There were a couple of okay episodes, but the vast majority were either meh or just bad.

The worst crime this season commits is that it's not quite bad enough to be entertainingly bad. With a few adjustments, it would still have been bad, but it could have at least been 'hot mess' type of bad, where it was entertaining enough to keep me watching. Instead, this season just made me wish I were watching pretty much anything else.

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