Shout by Cory Copeland

Anger Management 2012

Did you like Two and a Half Men until Ashton Kutcher came around? You're in luck! This is the show for you. Playboy (now a psychologist) Charlie is back at his usual stupor, but with a new family! The first season is ultimately on par with the best of TaaHM, and the next 90 episodes (which is basically four seasons) slowly taper in quality throughout. By the end, they have run out of scenarios and the supporting cast from the original season had largely fallen out (Kate, Jennifer, Sam). It is still as good as Ashton Kutcher Two and a Half Men by the end, and fortunately I am a fan of it all. To me, it just feels like extra comfort content. While this may not draw in a new audience, if you like this stuff, check it out!

Average Season Review: 8.1/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Two and a Half Men Fans)

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