Too lazy to write a long comment; But this is one of the better Pinocchio movies out there, this movie took the most time, effort and love into it. The talent in this movie makes nearly all other Pinocchio movies pale in visual comparison. Also the story is a very unique take on the character, the adventure our Pinocchio goes on never leaves you bored. The story is also emotionally straight to the point, they do not beat around the bush with the concepts of Life, death and evil. It's a very grounded movie, Pinocchio in this movie truly feels special in the world he lives in. Even if this movie doesn't peak your interest in story, the talent itself my enlighten you.

This is a lesson for producers and directors, give your team TIME. This is a classic quality over quantity. Instead of giving your team an impossible deadline, ask them what time they need and try to negotiate.

With a real team you can make a masterpiece like this project.

"You cannot rush something that will last forever"

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