Review by JellyJiggler

Star Wars Rebels 2014

I personally don't see the hype. This show can't decide if it wants to be cheesy and childish, or brooding and serious. Rather than spanning a wide emotional and spectrum, the tone of the show is just jarring and awkward. The stiff animation doesn't help, either, being a downgrade form The Clone Wars in my opinion. Maul, Ahsoka, and even the Emperor are shoe-horned in and don't add much to the larger arc of the narrative.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. There are some likeable characters that get some good moments and satisfying development, like Kallus, Kanan, and Zebb. The dogfighting scenes in outer space, although rare, are fun and exhilarating for the most part.

There are just flaws that prevent me from rating it as high as some people do. Ezra is an annoying and whiney protagonist and never gets better, just worse. Sabine is almost as insufferable. The ancient force stuff later in the series, Maul and Ahsoka's arcs, Chopper's shenanigans, and most of all the Inquisitors and just the overall tone are all just a bit too cheeseball at times for me.

Worth watching if you're a Star Wars fan, it has its moments. But I enjoyed The Clone Wars much more.

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