Review by Kirschi

Locke & Key 2020

The first two seasons were absolutely great! The third season also started out strong but then from around the middle gradually declined to the terrible desaster of a "finale" which is the last episode of S3.
S1 & 2 were wonderfully paced, good character building, complex and believable solutions to complex and believable problems. S3 was rushed tf out the door. Good ideas with very much potential, but awfully paced and rushed. The story of S3 should've been at least 2 seasons on its own, rather 3 or more.
And that awful and boring happy-go-lucky ending with nonsensical "solutions" for all running plotlines did this series no favors whatsoever. It actually pushed my rating for this whole series from a 9/10 to a 7/10.
This is a shame since I'm usually not a fan of fantasy, but this series did so incredibly much right that I was drawn in from episode 1. And then they absolutely ruined it. I hate wasted potential and S3 is the definition of that.
I guess Netflix didn't want to pay the creators anymore and told them when they already had 3 to 5 episodes done, there's no other explanation for the third season. I'm incredibly disappointed.
Not with the creators of this show though, because as I said I think Netflix sent this series to crash and burn. And because of this I'm actually thinking about ending my Netflix subscription. Because this is unforgivable.

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