Shout by jrs04299

This movie is very racist imo but I guess that's ok bc this is diversity or whatever? So when the Mexican/Central American fellow who breaches the barriers by passing through the river is overtly racist. What is a racial slur for for a Central American person crossing into the US illegally? They usually get wet crossing the river before getting to the border. You get why it is pretty raciest to have a Central American breech Wakanda dripping wet rising from the water. And how did they defeat him? They dried him off. Then the ending scene is showing his back singed, with water evaporating off him. Very racist imo.

Now, you have colleges showing the movie using segregation. They have asked white people not to I guess one race watching is some how diversity. But that's not racist either. This is the kind of "diversity" Hollywood wants.

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@jrs04299 is this what passes off for trolling now?

@the_argentinian What triggered you? The observations I made about the movie? Or saying the segregation that people are trying to bring back is racist?

@jrs04299 what triggered you is seeing so many people of color in one place and not needing white people to save them.

@the_argentinian I'm not triggered by anything and your assumptions of me are wrong. I was born in Zaire, Africa now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo and moved to The United States of America, and I didn't come here for people like you to assume my race/gender. Bigots do that. I believe that people of color are just as capable at saving themselves as white people are, and its racist that you would insinuate they need saving by another race. I find it odd and troubling that your placing a race of people above another.

I made observations about the movie and shared my opinions, thats all. Are you trying trying to tell me the Mexican didn't break through the barriers by crossing the river and there isn't already a racial slur for that? Bc I saw that happen and I thought it was racist. I'd love to hear why you think my observation about the movie is wrong, but it seems like your just an upset SJW that is triggered at my opinion rather than actually providing anything to challenge it.
