It's probably not necessary to state that this is based on a 1926 H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name, but I guess I just did. I've never read the story. My only reference is a 1971 segment of Rod Serling's Night Gallery, an old anthology TV show.

I'm falling into a bit of a Horror rut and not just because, as I write this, it happens to be Halloween season. It's just that so little of what I watch claims to be scary, but isn't. I've probably just watched too much Horror over the years. This episode has a few jump scares which are uncharacteristically effective (because jump scares are shocking not scary), but doesn't come close to providing any sustained scares. At best, this offers an eerie atmosphere, which isn't always easy to pull off, either.

Ben Barnes, Crispin Glover, and Oriana Leman are good in the lead roles. The ending is extremely dark and I have no idea if it's true to the original Lovecraft story, and I guess it doesn't matter if it is. The look of this episode is stunning. The sets and architecture are beautiful.

Even though this episode was just okay, I am impressed by the production value, emphasis on direction and what I think has been some pretty solid acting throughout this series.

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