This is a weird feeling... This was a decent episode of Doctor Who! Haven't had one of those in a while.

While I enjoyed the time loop scenario, it seemed like they ran out of creative things to do by the end; the final loop was fine, but Chris Chibnall can't write satisfying reveals to save his life. The Doctor spelled out their entire plan, and then they just kind of... do it. No kinks in the plan, nothing unexpected happens, no sort of tension. They made it out alive, but it's not really satisfying.

Plus, it looks like Chibnall copied and pasted his previous special, Resolution. They're both a New Years special episode where the Doctor, her companions, and a white woman and a dark skinned man who sort of know each other have to escape from a Dalek, and in the end, the man and the woman become a couple. It worked well in Resolution, but it felt weird in this one. The two of them don't have much chemistry together, and there's little to no romantic tension whatsoever, so it makes no sense to have them get together in the end.

My favourite bit, by far, was the fact that they kept revealing more an more about this mysterious other employee, Jeff. The fact that he stored more and more absurd things in this storage facility was funny.

Yes, it kind of feels like a lesser rip-off of a previous Doctor Who special, but at this point in Chibnall's run as showrunner, you have to take what you get, and this one wasn't bad at all.

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