Unfortunately more exposition where we needed expiation. I'm all for character development but we've had most these characters for years and others quite frankly should've found a nice zombie being invited over for dinner many episodes ago.

Couple things have continued to confound me... Why hasn't the fuel gone stale after all these years, it doesn't last forever. And where the hell they get these brands new Jeeps n bikes?

And of all the dumbest questions ever asked why do people asking where the train is going? You Know where it's going and where it has gone! There's bloody tracks! Just follow.. The tracks.

Sometimes you have to wonder who are these writers' audience, people with brains, or people that use to have brains, now they just eat 'em.

If we don't have the (what I expect as the) pay off in these last few episodes (3 to go) I'm gonna go Zombie on people myself.

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