the offices don’t make any sense anymore lol because from Louis new office (which we’ve seen before) you can see the elevator area and to the right all the way down is donnas desk and Harvey’s corner office… next to Harvey’s office is the filling room, entrance to the associates office and a entrance to the elevator room… next to Louis new office is suppose to be the the library and the big meeting room… where is Jessica’s corner office?? You never see any possible way for there to be anything on the other side of the “Pearson Spector” wall/elevators… and when they show the lobby of the building the elevators are farther back from the entrance O_o but on the 50th floor the windows closer to the elevators as if the building gets smaller butttt we see the building is the same all the way up… plus why would there be a way to walk past the elevators on the lobby floor but a wall on the 50th floor… wouldn’t it be easier to have it open on both sides??? But as you can see from Harvey’s/Louis office there’s a wall of rooms on that side of the building. Head cannon is that Jessica is on the 50th floor of another building (lol I get it’s a tv show)

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